Nomadic life in Ladakh

Nomads of Ladakh

The nomads of Ladakh, known as the Changpas, are an integral part of the region’s cultural heritage. They have a unique way of life, characterized by herding livestock and living in portable tents called “rebo” or “yurt.” Here are some key details about the nomads of Ladakh:

Nomadic Yak Wool Tents


The Changpas make most of their money from raising animals. They raise yaks, sheep, goats, and horses, among other animals. During the summer, their herds feed in pastures at high altitudes. During the harsh winter months, they move their herds to meadows at lower altitudes.

Pastoral Migration

The Changpas move their herds along well-known paths in search of places to graze during the different seasons. This is a traditional method that lets their animals eat fresh plants all year long.

Tent Dwellings

Traditional huts called rebo or yurt are where the Changpas live. These tents are made of yak hair and are made to stand up to the harsh weather in the area. Nomads can move with their herds because the tents are easy to move.


The Changpas, who live as nomads in Ladakh, get all the food, milk, and wool they need from their animals. They also trade with settled groups, trading their livestock goods for things they need but can’t make themselves.

Cultural Significance

The Changpas are an important part of keeping Ladakh’s culture history alive. Their customs, language, and special understanding of the land and its resources have been passed down from generation to generation, adding to the region’s cultural diversity.


In recent years, the ancient wandering way of life in Ladakh has been facing a number of problems. The wandering way of life is at risk because of climate change, urbanisation, and limited access to resources. Some Changpas have moved to live in one place, while others try to find a balance between their traditions and the way things are changing.

Rebo or Yurt

Visiting and interacting with the Changpas provides a glimpse into a way of life deeply connected to the natural environment and centuries-old traditions. It is an opportunity to learn about their resilience, adaptability, and the harmonious relationship they have developed with the land they inhabit.

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